Category: GDPR

Today is Data Privacy Day! As companies are striving to provide the highest quality User Experience for customers, this day could be unsettling. The need to provide the most personalized experience is that much higher today. How are we safeguarding the exhilarating challenges of digital data privacy in 2021, we will tell you how.

Disruptive – a term that inspires startups, attracts investors, and haunts conventional business. Over the past decade, we’ve seen a number of industries turned upside down by an injection of ingenuity and private capital. As a result, the giants of every major industry are becoming increasingly more cognizant of the potential for disruption and the need to adopt new, innovative solutions to remain not only ahead of competition, but relevant, as their industries evolve.

Since the inception of the internet, we have been led to believe that if we want to receive personal services, we must surrender our private information to the hands of the internet giants.

Our CEO Ofer Tziperman offered his insights in a recent Retail Touchpoints article, “Balancing Consumer Privacy with Personalized Offers,” and discussed the challenges retailers face in reaching consumers with viable offers, as data privacy pressures mount.

Banks understand plenty about their retail customers’ financial behaviors and risk tolerances – but that’s far from the entire picture. Knowing customers beyond their direct interactions with their bank – through their day-to-day activities – will help financial institutions provide better services and gain an edge over competitors.