Category: Personalization

Today is Data Privacy Day! As companies are striving to provide the highest quality User Experience for customers, this day could be unsettling. The need to provide the most personalized experience is that much higher today. How are we safeguarding the exhilarating challenges of digital data privacy in 2021, we will tell you how.

2020 was anything but straightforward. Going into 2021 there is much to learn and understand with all the changes (in the business world and down to each individual customer’s changes in their lives) and how this can affect your marketing department. We took a look at Gartner’s Annual Survey of CMO’s and gathered our own insights on what we believe needs to be focused on for successful marketing initiatives for 2021(and beyond).

Figuring out the most important objective of your mobile engagement strategy in 2021. Post COVID-19, the best strategy for mobile engagement? How do you make sure you still provide personalized engagement even if your customer behaviors have changed.

Mobile engagement is an important part of any marketing strategy. To do it effectively, using the 4 W’s creates excellent and engaging mobile marketing campaigns, learn more why this is the way to do so.

Join us with a recap of 2020. Anagog’s achievements, market trends – how we fit in, what we think, and where the focus needs to be in order to move forward with personal mobile engagement campaigns with privacy.